The art of line II
Drawing , which the movements of the arms, body, and fingers appear directly, are the painting techniques that can be done in the shortest time, and are more attractive because you can feel the artist's breathing more than the completed tableau. At the second line art exhibition, as the subtitle "Various", various works were prepared for both new works and collections. We ask the main exhibiting artists to comment and display them along with their works. Please enjoy it together.
-ステートメント-”点と点を結んだものが線であるが、それは2点の設定次第でいかようにも姿を変えることができる、しなやかな存在だ。学生の頃に、講義で聴いた言葉をふと思い出す。—水滴から水を硯に落とし、墨を摺る。陸と海との間に、ある瞬間ひとつの際が生まれる。それが「線」だ— このとき得た、水と闇とのあいだに浮かび漂う線のイメージは、現在の自身の制作にも繋がっているように思う。”